Virtual TT results


Results so far for the Virtual TT competition. name M/F TT RB Livermere Whelnetham Risby Horringer West Stow average speed Richard Farrow M x   13:52 23:43 22:30 26:23 25:59 36.74 Matt Shingleton M   x 14:01 24:40 23:38 27:37 26:11 35.65 Matt Shingleton M x     21:30     24:05   Boyd Nicholas M   x 18:15 28:29 …

Evening TT series results


Rita Rue and Megan Free win the ladies time trial and road bike series respectively, while Matt Shingleton takes the men’s trophy, with Matt Eaglen dominating the Road Bike series.  Eaglen also dominates the Collard Shield! With 54 riders competing in this year’s season long time-trial series Matt Shingleton and Rita Rue are crowned the male and female West Suffolk …

Roller Racing 8th February


The evening event with the Prize Presentations and Roller Racing saw some exciting roller racing. Three categories were battled for. Juniors raced over 250m and seniors for a gruelling 500m. Doesn’t seem long but it really is tough keeping super high cadence up over twenty something seconds. In the end after time trials, semi-finals and finals the junior winner was …

Sunday 9th February Junior Triathlon Training

Neil O'BrienNews, Triathlon

Due to the forecasted wet and extremely windy weather, the track / cycle session will be moved to Westley School this Sunday (9th). The session will start at 3.30pm allowing time for the swimmers to get back to the pool for the 5pm swim session. NO BIKES are required for the session at Westley Best wishes Coaching team

Hoxley Cup Nominations 2019


The Hoxley Cup is awarded for Triathlon Achievement as voted for by the members, so check the list below and email your vote to The Triathlon committee have made FOUR nominations that highlight some of the amazing achievements that have been posted by our members in the name of club and country, both at home and on international duties. The …

Junior Triathlon Training

Neil O'BrienNews, Triathlon

We hope you all had a restful half term and enjoyed a spooky Halloween! Sunday training resumes tomorrow – 3rd November 2019. Usual timings: 15.45 track/cycle at the leisure centre and 17.00 in the pool. Please keep an eye out for last minute emails, and updates on the website should the weather take a turn for the worse, any rearrangements …

Hill Climb 15-8-19


Pos Name Club First Second Total Time Bike Type 1 Charlie Knowler WSW 1.16.98 1.29.62 2.46.60 RB 2 Matt Eaglen WSW 1.24.09 1.26.60 2.50.69 RB 3 Todd Eaglen WSW 1.24.09 1.27.59 2.51.67 RB 4 Harvey Newman WSW 1.24.89 1.30.99 2.55.88 RB 5 David Young WSW 1.31.86 1.39.51 3.11.37 RB 6 Martin Gale WSW 1.31.95 1.43.41 3.15.36 RB 7 Viv Smith …

Livermere 5.5m TT 8/8/19


Position Name Club Time 1 Paul Jay VeloVelocity 11.50 2 Richard Farrow WSW 12.46 3 Matt Eaglen WSW 13.26 4 Viv Smith WSW 13.58 5 Jeremy Waterson WSW 14.07 6 Peter Nichols WSW 14.09 7 Harvey Newman WSW 15.01 8 David Howes WSW 15.14 9 Rob Dyke WSW 15.17 10 Nikki Feabes-Williams WSW 15.53 11 Richard Lines WSW 16.04 12 …

Higham 10m TT 1/8/19


Position Name Club Time Bike Type 1 David Giffin WSW 24.24 2 Matt Shingleton WSW 24.32 3 Richard Farrow WSW 26.01 4 Matt Eaglen WSW 26.31 RB 5 Pip Moore WSW 26.48 6 Viv Smith WSW 27.11 7 Peter Nichols WSW 27.44 RB 8 Martin Gale WSW 30.01 9 Rob Dyke WSW 30.22 RB 10 Richard Lines WSW 31.13 RB …