David Young is taking orders for club hoodies – see designs below. Please contact David for sizing and to place an order. We’re aiming to place an order for at least 25 hoodies, in which case the price will be £19.25 plus VAT, i.e. £23.10.
Evening TT – change of course – Thursday 25 April
Owing to roadworks on the Little Whelnetham course, this week’s TT (Thursday 25th April) will be on the Horringer 10 course. Details of dates and courses here: https://westsuffolkwheelers.org/activities/racing/
End of season Cyclocross report for 2023-24
This end of season round-up is brought to you by Peter Golding, WSW CX stalwart and race organiser As the season is finally over in the UK it’s time to put together the final report and I’m doing so whilst watching a televised race from Middlekerke in Belgium !It has been a wonderful season for all of the Wheelers Cyclocross …
Shouldham Warren XC MTB
Nine wheelers braved a sodden Shouldham Warren course to take on Kings Lynn MTB Club’s XC race on Sunday 18th February, with the water torture coming in 1 hour, 1.5 hour and 3 hour varieties! Congratulations to Lee Sturman and Kevin Burton for tackling the 3 hour race, Paul Watson, Nick Rush, Karl Hale, Megan Free and Matt Denny riding …
Suffolk Punch Reliability Trial 2024
This year saw the second incarnation of the Suffolk Punch under Jason Alcock’s stewardship, with revised routes over 38, 62 and 80 miles. There were some last minute route adjustments to account for roadworks around Bildeston, plus plenty of water on the roads on the day to test the riders. 67 riders braved the conditions, returning to WSW Club HQ …
Club ride update – 10th February
An update on club rides – and news of a Ride Leader’s course at Club HQ on Saturday 2 March. Wheelers on the Community Ride on 3rd February While we’re still putting up with damp, squally weather, most of our club rides are already in full swing. If you want to get out on the weekend, you’ll be in safe …
End of season cyclocross relay frolics!
Peter Golding’s Cyclocross Report – Week ending 4 February 2024 Well it’s finally over, the Easterncross League 2023/24 season has finished and what a way to finish it was. Simon Wilson from Colchester Rovers CC, decided to resurrect the end of season relays which would be followed by the League Prize presentation. It turned out to be a superb idea, …
Cyclocross update – National Champs weekend!
Peter Golding’s race report Last weekend was the British Cyclocross Championships which, for the first time ever, were held in Scotland. The host town was Falkirk, famous for the Antonine Wall, which was the furthest North the Romans ventured, the fantastic ‘Kelpies’ and the engineering marvel that is the ‘Falkirk Wheel’. If you’re ever driving that far North, visit the …
Cyclocross update, week ending 7 January
Peter Golding brings you this week’s cyclocross report Happy New Year one and all, and what a start to the year it has been for Cyclocross. As you’re all aware, the rain has affected the whole of the UK and Europe during the past few weeks, the road cycling aficionados amongst you, will know what lengths you’ve all gone to, …
Diminutive differences – Fred Filby 2023
A hardy group of 16 riders ventured out on Boxing Day for our annual Fred Filby time trial. Given the typical Christmas diet, thankfully riders didn’t need to attempt a full gas effort over the 10 mile Horringer course – the format of this event allows them to pick a target time within a given pace range; their goal is …