
Club Rules and Standards
1. This Club shall be called the West Suffolk Wheelers and shall be affiliated to any cycling organisation, which the Annual General Meeting, (AGM) or a Special General meeting shall decide.
2. The management of the Club shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the Club Officials, all to be elected annually.
3. The Support Officers listed can be amended, deleted, or consolidated when persons to fill them are sought at the AGM.
Executive Committee |
President |
Vice Presidents |
Chair |
Vice Chair |
Treasurer |
General Secretary |
Membership Liaison |
Support Officers |
Coaches |
Cycling Welfare Officers |
Website Admin |
Record Officer |
Press Officer |
Trophies Registrar |
Kit Coordinator |
Clubroom Bookings |
Clubroom Maintenance |
Bike & Equipment Registrar |
Cyclo-Cross Organiser |
Grass Track Organiser |
Ixworth Cycle Races Organiser |
Open Time Trial Organiser |
Spring Training Camp Organiser |
Suffolk Punch Organiser |
Time Trial Series Team |
Auditor |
4a. Categories of Membership:
- First claim Adult Member, with voting rights and eligibility for trophies (concessionary subscriptions for retired and unwaged).
- First Claim Under 18 Member, no voting rights but eligible for trophies.
- Second Claim Member, with no voting rights, ineligible for trophies.
4b. Eligibility for Membership: First Claim membership is available to everyone , except those that are, or who become during their membership of WSW, first claim members of another club or team that is affiliated to British Cycling or Cycling Time Trials. Such persons are eligible for (or can revert to) Second claim membership.
4c. If First Claim members compete in any competitive cycling event they must represent the West Suffolk Wheelers, and are encouraged to wear appropriate club kit, except where selected to represent a regional or national team, or are obliged to wear kit supplied by the event organiser. All club members are encouraged to wear club kit on club runs.
5. Membership shall be open to all persons.
6. Club colours shall be “fire engine” style Red, Yellow, Black andWhite.
7. The annual subscriptions shall be fixed at the AGM.
8. Members desirous to resigning shall notify the General Secretary.
9. Annual subscriptions are due every 12 months on the anniversary of the last renewal. Existing members who have not renewed their membership within two months of that date will be considered to have lapsed their membership of the Club.
10. A Club meeting, open to all, shall be held on the evening of the 2nd Monday or every month at a suitable venue, to transact the Club’s business. The Club’s officials are required to attend. The voting procedure detailed Rule 17 shall apply. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman, another club official shall chair the meeting.
11.All grievances and disciplinary matters are to be dealt with in accordance with the latest Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure as approved at a club Annual General meeting.
12. No members shall be allowed to take part in any club event unless they are clear in the books of the club.
13. The Club’s financial year shall commence on October 1 and end on September 30, after which date the Treasurer shall prepare the Balance Sheet and subsidiary accounts, which shall be audited by one auditor elected at the previous AGM. A copy of these accounts will be presented at the AGM.
14. The AGM shall be held before the end of November. Notice of the meeting will be notified to members 4-6 weeks before the meeting. Items for the Agenda of the AGM shall reach the General Secretary 21 days before the meeting. A copy of the agenda will be sent to members no later than 7 days before the meeting.
15. The minutes of the AGM will be presented at the following Club Meeting in January to address any outstanding issues.
16. A Special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or, alternatively, by the General Secretary upon receipt of a request signed by seven members, subject to at least 7 days notice and a copy of the agenda, being given to members.
17. No alteration, or addition to these rules shall be made, except with the consent of the majority of the members present at the Annual General Meeting, (or Special General Meeting called for the purpose, notice there of to be circulated to the members seven days before the meeting, together with a copy of the Agenda, or a copy of the relative alteration or addition proposed). The chairman will abstain from the vote but will have the casting vote in the event of a tie. The majority method of deciding a vote will be used at any meeting.
18. Club runs will be led and supervised by two riders nominated from those present to Club Run Conduct and Etiquette guidelines
19. The committee, whose decision shall be binding on all parties, shall deal with any matter not provided for in these rules.
20. The Club shall not be liable for loss or damage to persons, or property, whilst taking part in club activities, however caused. Members under the age of 18 years of age may only take part in club activities on completion of a parental consent form (available from the General Secretary).
21. Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a manner not detrimental to the club. The Club room and contents, and club property shall at all times be treated with care, and only used for its intended purpose. Breach of these rules will be deemed unseemly conduct (Rule 11).
22. First claim members wishing to attain coaching qualifications can apply for assistance with the funding thereof to the Executive Committee, who will consider such applications on the basis of coaching needs within the club for the type/level of coaching involved, the experience of the applicant and commitment to deliver future benefits to the membership, the cost of the assistance and availability of funding from other sources, the current financial position of the club and other relevant criteria.
23. All major club events as identified by the Executive Committee shall produce a detailed budget for approval by the Committee, and a detailed Income and Expenditure Account within one calendar month of the completion of the event.
1a) The Trophies Registrar will at the end of the racing season (31st October) convene a meeting to include the Club Chairman & at least one 1st claim member representing the following disciplines: Time Trials, Road & Track Racing & Triathlon, to allocate the Trophies, Awards & Medals for that year.
2) West Suffolk Wheelers Club Time Trials, Definition – Time Trial Events run on open roads by West Suffolk Wheelers, preference given to West Suffolk Wheelers 1st claim members, no pre entry, i.e. Evening T.T series, hill climb etc (not Open Events).
3) All Club Time Trials are run under the rules and regulations of Cycling Time Trials. All club members must adhere these rules as published in the current C.T.T. Handbook. Any observations of riders not adhering to these rules must be made immediately to the Time Keeper or their Assistant before the times are announced at the end of the event.
4) All Riders must wear a recognised hard shell helmet that meets an internationally accepted safety standard when taking part in Club Events.
5) For your own safety rear and front LED working lights are now compulsory.
6) Any person helping at Club Events in any way will automatically become a member of West Suffolk Wheelers for the duration of that event, and thus will be covered by event insurance.
7) Riders competing in West Suffolk Wheelers Club Time Trials on the open road must be 12years or over on the day of the event, entries by riders under 18 years must be accompanied by a parental consent form. Only one form for the current year need be submitted.
8) The racing year ends the 31st October. All claims for club trophies, standard awards and records from performances and times achieved in Open Events and other Clubs (Club Events) must be made to the racing secretary as soon as possible after this date. All claims must be substantiated by written proof, i.e. results sheets.
Performances and times achieved in West Suffolk Wheelers Club Events will be on record. No Claims required.
9) 1st Claim members representing the West Suffolk Wheelers in National or International events may be entitled to monetary or material assistance at the discretion of the executive committee.
10) All the following age categories will be used when awarding West Suffolk Wheelers Club age related Club Trophies/Awards/Standards & Club Records. Your age for the whole of the Current Year will be the age you become on your birthday of that year, not your age on day of the event. This is in-line with the formula used by British Cycling. .
- Schoolgirl/Schoolboy – From the day of your 12th birthday to the 31st Decmber in the year of your 16th birthday.
- Junior – From the 1st January in the year of your 17th birthday to the 31st Decmeber in the year of your 18th birthday.
- Senior – From the 1st January in the year of your 19th birthday onwards.
- Master – From the 1st January in the year of your 40th birthday onwards.
- Veteran – From the 1st January in the year of your 45th birthday onwards.
All the above categories commenced 1st January 2012.
The Veteran age category may be amended in 2017 to commence on 1st January in the year of your 50th birthday.
British Cycling youth Age Categories Relating Road/Track Racing & Cyclocross may be taken into consideration when awarding youth trophies
Club Time Trial Standards
Standard Distance Courses:
Schoolboy-U16 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 00:24:30 | 00:26:00 | 00:29:00 |
25 miles | 01:03:00 | 01:08:00 | 01:15:00 |
Schoolgirl- U16 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 00:29:00 | 00:31:03 | 00:35:00 |
25 miles | 01:15:00 | 01:20:00 | 01:30:00 |
Junior (Boy) 16-17 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 00:23:03 | 00:25:00 | 00:27:00 |
25 miles | 01:00:00 | 01:03:00 | 01:10:00 |
30 miles | 01:12:03 | 01:15:03 | 01:26:00 |
50 miles | 02:05:00 | 02:11:00 | 02:30:00 |
Junior (Girl) 16-17 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 00:27:03 | 00:29:00 | 00:32:00 |
25 miles | 01:11:00 | 01:16:00 | 01:32:00 |
Women | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 00:25:03 | 00:27:03 | 00:31:00 |
25 miles | 01:05:00 | 01:10:00 | 01:17:00 |
30 miles | 01:19:00 | 01:25:00 | 01:35:00 |
50 miles | 02:15:00 | 02:25:00 | 02:40:00 |
100 miles | 05:00:00 | 05:20:00 | 06:00:00 |
12 hour | 210 miles | 180 miles | Finish |
Men | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 00:22:00 | 00:23:30 | 00:26:00 |
25 miles | 00:57:00 | 00:59:00 | 01:09:00 |
50 miles | 01:59:00 | 02:03:00 | 02:20:00 |
100 miles | 04:15:00 | 04:25:00 | 05:00:00 |
12 hr | 255 miles | 240 miles | 200 miles |
24 hr | 430 miles | 400 miles | Finish |
Tandem | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 | 00:20:03 | 00:21:03 | 00:23:03 |
25 | 00:53:00 | 00:55:00 | 00:59:00 |
30 | 01:02:00 | 01:07:00 | 01:12:00 |
50 | 01:52:00 | 01:57:00 | 02:06:00 |
100 | 03:55:00 | 04:08:00 | 04:32:00 |
Non-Standard Distance Courses:
The normal standards apply for the 10 mile courses. The following standards apply for our non standard distance courses i.e. 5.5, 8.5, 7.5, 17.5 and 21 mile courses. Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will only be awarded once for each course. Your best time on each course at the end of the season to be considered for medals.
Male Senior | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Risby 21 | 24mph 52:30 | 23mph 54:47 | 22mph 57:17 |
Horringer 7.5 | 25mph 18:00 | 24mph 18:45 | 23mph 19:34 |
Horringer 17.5 | 24mph 43:45 | 23mph 45:39 | 22mph 47:42 |
Livermere 5.5 | 26mph 12:41 | 25mph 13:12 | 24mph 13:45 |
Lt Welnetham 8.5 | 24mph 21:15 | 23mph 22:10 | 22mph 23:11 |
Male Junior | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Risby 21 | 22mph 57:17 | 21mph 01:00:00 | 20mph 01:03:00 |
Horringer 7.5 | 23mph 19:34 | 22mph 20:47 | 21mph 21:26 |
Horringer 17.5 | 22mph 47:42 | 21mph 50:00 | 20mph 52:30 |
Livermere 5.5 | 24mph 13:45 | 23mph 14:21 | 22mph 15:00 |
Lt Welnetham 8.5 | 22mph 23:11 | 21mph 24:17 | 20mph 25:30 |
Schoolboy | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Risby 21 | 20mph 01:03:00 | 19mph 01:06:18 | 18mph 01:10:00 |
Horringer 7.5 | 21mph 21:46 | 20mph 22:30 | 19mph 23:41 |
Horringer 17.5 | 20mph 52:30 | 19mph 55:16 | 18mph 58:20 |
Livermere 5.5 | 22mph 15:00 | 21mph 15:43 | 20mph 16:30 |
Lt Welnetham 8.5 | 20mph 25:30 | 19mph 26:50 | 18mph 28:20 |
Female Senior | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Risby 21 | 20mph 01:03:00 | 19mph 01:06:18 | 18mph 01:10:00 |
Horringer 7.5 | 21mph 21:26 | 20mph 22:30 | 19mph 23:41 |
Horringer 17.5 | 20mph 52:30 | 19mph 55:16 | 18mph 58:20 |
Livermere 5.5 | 22mph 15:13 | 21mph 15:40 | 20mph 16:30 |
Lt Welnetham 8.5 | 20mph 25:30 | 19mph 26:50 | 18mph 28:20 |
Female Junior | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Risby 21 | 18mph 01:10:00 | 17mph 01:14:07 | 16mph 01:18:45 |
Horringer 7.5 | 19mph 23:41 | 18mph 25:00 | 17mph 26:28 |
Horringer 17.5 | 18mph 58:20 | 17mph 1:01:46 | 16mph 1:05:37 |
Livermere 5.5 | 20mph 16:30 | 19mph 17:25 | 18mph 18:20 |
Lt Welnetham 8.5 | 18mph 28:20 | 17mph 30:00 | 16mph 31:53 |
Schoolgirl | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Risby 21 | 16mph 01:18:45 | 15mph 01:24:00 | 14mph 01:30:00 |
Horringer 7.5 | 17mph 26:28 | 16mph 28:07 | 15mph 30:00 |
Horringer 17.5 | 16mph 01:05:37 | 15mph 01:10:00 | 14mph 01:15:00 |
Livermere 5.5 | 18mph 18:20 | 17mph 19:26 | 16mph 20:38 |
Lt Welnetham 8.5 | 16mph 31:53 | 15mph 34:00 | 14mph 36:26 |
Club Masters TT Standards
Non-Standard Distance Standards will be awarded automatically if your qualifying times are set in our own events. You should make a claim to the TT secretary if you qualify in an open event. Where the table shows “Finish” you only need to complete the course in order to qualify.
40 To 44 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 23:30 | 24:30:00 | 25:40:00 |
25 miles | 59:00:00 | 01:01:20 | 01:03:45 |
30 miles | 01:11:20 | 01:13:40 | 01:16:30 |
50 miles | 02:03:00 | 02:07:30 | 02:13:30 |
100 miles | 04:17:00 | 04:26:00 | 04:40:00 |
12 Hour | 240 miles | 231 miles | 220 miles |
45 To 49 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 24:00:00 | 25:00:00 | 26:30:00 |
25 miles | 01:00:00 | 01:02:40 | 01:05:30 |
30 miles | 01:12:00 | 01:15:10 | 01:18:00 |
50 miles | 02:05:00 | 02:10:00 | 02:19:30 |
100 miles | 04:21:30 | 04:32:00 | 04:56:00 |
12 Hour | 236 miles | 226 miles | 210 miles |
50 To 54 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 24:30:00 | 25:40:00 | 27:20:00 |
25 miles | 01:01:20 | 01:03:45 | 01:07:15 |
30 miles | 01:13:40 | 01:16:30 | 01:19:50 |
50 miles | 02:07:30 | 02:13:30 | 02:23:00 |
100 miles | 04:26:00 | 04:40:00 | 05:11:00 |
12 Hour | 231 miles | 220 miles | 198 miles |
55 To 59 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 25:00:00 | 26:30:00 | 28:10:00 |
25 miles | 01:02:40 | 01:05:30 | 01:09:00 |
30 miles | 01:15:10 | 01:18:00 | 01:21:50 |
50 miles | 02:10:00 | 02:19:30 | 02:28:00 |
100 miles | 04:32:00 | 04:56:00 | 05:28:00 |
12 Hour | 226 miles | 210 miles | 184 miles |
60 To 64 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 25:40:00 | 27:20:00 | 29:10:00 |
25 miles | 01:03:45 | 01:07:15 | 01:11:30 |
30 miles | 01:16:30 | 01:19:50 | 01:25:00 |
50 miles | 02:13:30 | 02:23:00 | 02:35:00 |
100 miles | 04:40:00 | 05:11:00 | 05:45:00 |
12 Hour | 220 miles | 198 miles | 168 miles |
65 To 69 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 26:30:00 | 28:10:00 | 31:00:00 |
25 miles | 01:05:30 | 01:09:00 | 01:14:20 |
30 miles | 01:18:00 | 01:21:50 | 01:28:50 |
50 miles | 02:19:30 | 02:28:00 | 02:43:00 |
100 miles | 04:56:00 | 05:28:00 | 06:03:00 |
12 Hour | 210 miles | 184 miles | 150 miles |
70 To 74 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 27:20:00 | 29:10:00 | 32:00:00 |
25 miles | 01:07:15 | 01:11:30 | 01:17:30 |
30 miles | 01:19:50 | 01:25:00 | 01:32:40 |
50 miles | 02:23:00 | 02:35:00 | 02:53:00 |
100 miles | 05:11:00 | 05:45:00 | 06:20:00 |
12 Hour | 198 miles | 168 miles | 130 miles |
75 To 79 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 28:10:00 | 31:00:00 | 34:00:00 |
25 miles | 01:09:00 | 01:14:20 | 01:20:30 |
30 miles | 01:21:50 | 01:28:50 | 01:36:50 |
50 miles | 02:28:00 | 02:43:00 | 03:02:00 |
100 miles | 05:28:00 | 06:03:00 | 06:40:00 |
12 Hour | 184 miles | 150 miles | Finish |
80 To 84 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 29:10:00 | 33:00:00 | 34:00:00 |
25 miles | 01:11:30 | 01:17:30 | 01:23:50 |
30 miles | 01:25:00 | 01:32:40 | 01:41:00 |
50 miles | 02:35:00 | 02:53:00 | 03:13:00 |
100 miles | 05:45:00 | 06:20:00 | Finish |
12 Hour | 168 miles | 130 miles | Finish |
85 To 89 | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 31:00:00 | 35:00:00 | 39:00:00 |
25 miles | 01:14:20 | 01:21:00 | 01:27:00 |
30 miles | 01:28:50 | 01:36:00 | 01:45:00 |
50 miles | 02:43:00 | 03:06:00 | 03:28:00 |
100 miles | 06:03:00 | 06:40:00 | Finish |
12 Hour | 150 miles | Finish | Finish |
90+ | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
10 miles | 33:00:00 | 37:30:00 | 43:30:00 |
25 miles | 01:17:30 | 01:25:00 | 01:33:00 |
30 miles | 01:32:40 | 01:40:00 | 01:48:00 |
50 miles | 02:53:00 | 03:21:00 | 03:50:00 |
100 miles | 06:20:00 | 07:10:00 | Finish |
12 Hour | 130 miles | Finish | Finish |
Club Track Standards
Senior Male 19+ | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:32.0 | 00:35.0 | 00:38.0 | 00:42.0 |
1000:S/S | 01:01 | 01:07 | 01:13 | 01:19 |
3000:S/S | 03:24 | 03:45 | 04:05 | 04:25 |
4000:S/S | 04:12 | 04:37 | 05:02 | 05:28 |
200:F/S | 00:10.1 | 00:11.2 | 00:12.2 | 00:13.2 |
500: F/S | 00:27.5 | 00:30.3 | 00:33.0 | 00:35.8 |
750:Tea:Sprint | 00:44.0 | 00:49.0 | 00:53.0 | 00:57.0 |
4000:Tea:Pursuit | 04:00 | 04:24 | 04:48 | 05:12 |
1 Hour S/S | 49.44 km | 44.5 km | 39.6 km | 34.6 km |
Junior Male 16-18 | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | None 00:33.5 Est | 00:36.8 | 00:40.2 | 00:43.5 |
1000:S/S | 01:05.5 | 01:12 | 01:19 | 01:25 |
3000:S/S | 03:24 | 03:51 | 04:17 | 04:44 |
200:F/S | 00:10.8 | 00:12.0 | 00:13.0 | 00:14.0 |
500:F/S | 00:28.6 | 00:31.5 | 00:34.3 | 00:37.2 |
4000: Tea:Pursuit | 04:23.1 | 04:50 | 05:16 | 05:42 |
Youth ‘A’ Male Under 16 [14-15] | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:35.1 | 00:38.6 | 00:42.1 | 00:45.6 |
2000:S/S | 02:22.7 | 02:37 | 02:51 | 03:05 |
200:F/S | 00:11.5 | 00:12.7 | 00:13.8 | 00:15.0 |
500:F/S | 00:29.9 | 00:33.0 | 00:36.0 | 00:39.0 |
Youth ‘B’ Male Under 14 [12-13] | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:36.0 | 00:39.6 | 00:43.2 | 00:46.8 |
1500:S/S | 01:48.3 | 01:59 | 02:10 | 02:30 |
200:F/S 2000 N/R | 12.38 | 13.68 | 14.86 | 16.09 |
Youth ‘C’ Male Under 12 [10-11] | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:37.8 | 00:41.6 | 00:45.4 | 00:49.1 |
1500:S/S | 01:57.2 | 02:09 | 02:21 | 02:32 |
200:F/S | 00:12.9 | 00:14.1 | 00:15.4 | 00:16.7 |
Youth ‘D’ Male Under 10 | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | None 00:40.0 Est | 00:44.0 | 00:48.0 | 00:52.0 |
Senior Female 19+ | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:34.6 | 00:38.0 | 00:41.5 | 00:45.0 |
1000:S/S | 01:11 | 01:18 | 01:25 | 01:32 |
3000:S/S | 03:35 | 03:57 | 04:18 | 04:40 |
200:F/S | 00:11.34 | 00:12.5 | 00:13.6 | 00:14.7 |
500:F/S | 00:30.61 | 00:33.7 | 00:36.7 | 00:39.8 |
1 Hour S/S | 43.7 km | 39.3 km | 34.9 km | 30.5 km |
Junior Female 16-18 | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:37.5 | 00:41.3 | 00:45.0 | 00:48.8 |
2000:S/S | 02:34 | 02:49 | 03:05 | 03:20 |
200:F/S | 00:12.5 | 00:13.8 | 00:15.0 | 00:16.3 |
500:F/S | 00:32.5 | 00:35.8 | 00:39.0 | 00:42.3 |
Youth ‘A’ Female Under16 (14-15) | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:38.78 | 00:42.7 | 00:46.5 | 00:50.4 |
2000:S/S | 02:34 | 02:50 | 03:06 | 03:21 |
200:F/S | 00:12.89 | 00:14.2 | 00:15.5 | 00:16.8 |
500:F/S | 00:32.9 | 00:36.2 | 00:39.5 | 00:42.8 |
Youth ‘B’ Female Under 14 (12-13) | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:40.1 | 00:44.0 | 00:48.1 | 00:52.1 |
1500:S/S | 02:02.3 | 02:14 | 02:27 | 02:39 |
200:F/S | 00:13.6 | 00:15.0 | 00:16.3 | 00:17.7 |
Youth ‘C’ Female Under 12 (10-11) | National Record | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
500:S/S | 00:40.82 | 00:45.0 | 00:49.0 | 00:53.0 |
1500:S/S | 02:11.1 | 02:24 | 02:37 | 02:50 |
200:F/S | 00:13.96 | 00:15.3 | 00:16.7 | 00:18.1 |

Policies & Procedures
This welfare policy is primarily intended to develop a sense of awareness and guidance on child protection for all those involved in the West Suffolk Wheelers Cycling and Triathlon Club. However, this policy is also concerned about the welfare of everyone at the club irrespective of age, gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion and political view. Everyone who is involved in the club is entitled to access an enjoyable and safe environment and to have the chance to experience the excitement, challenge and achievement inherent to the sport.
West Suffolk Wheelers Cycling and Triathlon Club has a constitution, known as the Club Rules which governs the club and the clubs officers. We also have Members Terms which govern the expected behaviour of all members of West Suffolk Wheelers Cycling and Triathlon Club.
The West Suffolk Wheelers and Triathlon Club aims to be friendly, welcoming and inclusive and this policy reinforces this ethos by determining what good standards are, and by defining what is acceptable within our sport. To ensure this, the West Suffolk Wheelers Cycling and Triathlon Club welfare policy will enable individuals to comply with codes of good practice.
It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the welfare of all within the sport. The West Suffolk Wheelers and Triathlon Club Welfare Officer is responsible for ensuring that welfare concerns are met at club level, and is the main contact with British Cycling and other agencies on these issues. We require our coaches, members and volunteers to abide by British Cycling welfare policy or British Triathlon policy and procedures and associated codes of conduct.
West Suffolk Wheelers and Triathlon Club believes that everyone involved in the club should be made to feel welcome and included. They should thrive, fare well and enjoy safety, security and protection from abuse, maltreatment or misconduct during participation in the club. Everyone involved in the club is responsible for upholding this belief. The club recognise that they have a responsibility to ensure the highest standard of care to all (including children) involved in cycling and triathlon.
- Accept the moral responsibility to implement the British Cycling and British Triathlon procedures to provide a duty of care for all people (including children) within the club, safeguard their well-being and protect them from abuse.
- Respect and promote the rights, wishes and feelings of people taking part in cycling and triathlon including young people, disabled and/or vulnerable adults.
- Promote and implement appropriate policies and procedures to provide a duty of care for all people (including any children and vulnerable adults) within the club, to safeguard their well-being and protect them from abuse. This will require coaches, volunteers, participants and parents/carers to adopt and abide by this welfare policy and disciplinary procedures.
- Recruit, train, support and supervise its coaches and volunteers to adopt best practice in all equality issues, to safeguard and protect young people from abuse and themselves against false allegations.
- Respond to any allegations appropriately and implement the appropriate disciplinary procedures.
- Ensure our nominated welfare officers are up to date with the latest good practice training and guidance in relation to welfare issues.
- Safety – the welfare of participants will always be paramount and everyone has the right to participate in cycling and triathlon in an enjoyable and safe climate.
- Equality – the right of everyone involved in the club to be treated equally, regardless of age, sex, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or social background.
- Responsiveness – all allegations or suspicions of abuse or violations of participant’s welfare will be taken seriously and acted upon appropriately and swiftly. Those found to be spreading malicious or false allegations will be disciplined according to the relevant procedures.
- A child is recognised as someone under the age of 18 years.
- Adults looking after children in the absence of the person with parental responsibility have to take reasonable care in all circumstances, regardless of the age of the child.
- Child protection is everyone’s responsibility.
- Children have the right to express views on all matters which affect them, should they wish to do so.
- West Suffolk Wheelers Cycling and Triathlon Club shall work in partnership with British Cycling, British Triathlon and other relevant agencies in order to ensure compliance with this policy.
- Fairness – the human rights of coaches, volunteers or participants facing allegations will be embodied in disciplinary procedures.
West Suffolk Wheelers Cycling and Triathlon Club in line with British Cycling policy and British Triathlon has Club Welfare Officers. Yaz Peachey is the officially registered Club Welfare Officer for British Cycling and has been Disclosure & Barring Service checked and passed the training required by British Cycling policy. Yaz is also a member of the committee and is seen at club events from club runs, road races and social events. Please contact her with any questions, concerns or information you feel might be relevant at
British Cycling Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy
British Cycling Safeguarding and Protecting Vulnerable Adults Policy
British Cycling has a fundamental commitment to safeguard and protect children in cycling. With our partners, we are working to improve polices, procedures, and practices to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience of children and young people in cycling. Allegations of poor practice, drug use, equality issues and possible child abuse should be reported to the Child Protection Lead Officer (CPLO).
(Compliance Manager)
Phone: 0161 274 2082
Out of hours tel: 0161 274 2002
In case of an emergency situation contact:
Police: 999
NSPCC: 0808 800 5000
Childline: 0800 1111
Child Protection in Sport Unit
Disclosure & Barring Service
As an affiliated club to British Cycling, the West Suffolk Wheelers have adopted British Cycling’s Code of Conduct which is available to download here:
This Code of Conduct covers our behaviour as members of the West Suffolk Wheelers (the Club) in our website, email mail lists and social media.
- Be respectful. The Club and its members treat one another with respect. Everyone can make a valuable contribution to the Club. We may not always agree, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect members of the Club to be respectful when dealing with other contributors as well as with people outside the Club.
- When we disagree, we consult others. Disagreements and differences of opinion happen all the time and the Club is no exception. It is important that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively within the Club, using the processes and structures within the Club, primarily through the open monthly committee meetings.
- When we are unsure, we ask for help. Nobody knows everything, and nobody is expected to be perfect in the Club. Asking questions avoids many problems down the road, and so questions are encouraged. Those who are asked questions should be responsive and helpful. However, when asking a question, care must be taken to do so in an appropriate forum.
- Email, Forums and Social Media. Email, forums and social media (Facebook, Twitter etc) are an important part of the Club’s online community. Please avoid offensive language (including swearing), flame-wars, trolling, personal attacks, and repetitive arguments. Moderators and editors have the power to remove postings that contravene these guidelines. They reserve the right to use it as a last resort.
As an affiliated club to British Cycling, the West Suffolk Wheelers have adopted British Cycling’s Equality Policy which is available to download here:
The club’s Privacy Policy can be found here:
- If club member has a problem with any other member, every effort should be made to sort out the issue between the parties.
- If a dispute cannot be sorted amicably, then club Committee members are available to offer informal mediation (see Contacts page)
- If a dispute cannot be resolved, then a formal grievance should be raised, in writing to the club Chair person. For full details, please click here to download the full club Grievance Procedure
- There is a draft, revised Grievance Procedure for review and consideration by members at the 2023 AGM, available here: Grievance Procedure DRAFT 2023.pdf

Clicking ‘Submit’ will automatically send the form to the club’s welfare officer and all information provided will be held in the strictest confidence.
Participation by juveniles and juniors (under 18) in club activities is governed by the rules of British Cycling and Cycle Time Trials where events are held under their auspices.
- All participants under 18 need Parental Consent Form (see Below). A new form is to be completed each year, and returned with membership fees. Some events may require additional consent.
- Youngsters aged 14 and under need to be accompanied by a parent / guardian or pre-arranged nominated adult, at all club activities. It is parent’s responsibility to arrange this.
- It is the Parent / Guardian’s responsibility to ensure that the activity is suitable for their child’s capabilities.
- Parents / Guardians to ensure participants bikes are in good working order.
- Helmets to be worn at all times while riding.
- Any participants who persistently misbehave or put others in danger will be asked to leave the sessions and will not be allowed to attend in future.
- Parent’s / Guardians’ to ensure rider is wearing suitable clothing, is properly equipped and has any necessary medication (e g inhaler) with them.
Club Ride Under 18s Parental Consent forms: