CX update – the first double header of 2024

Stephen BrookCyclo Cross, News

No we’re not talking football; but two of the Clubs ‘Crossers’ raced on Saturday and Sunday last weekend.
Megan Free and Peter Golding both travelled to Milton Keynes on Saturday to race in the Central League fixture hosted by Velo Bants ‘Cross in the City’ at the iconic Milton Keynes Bowl. The course was a series of switchbacks on the flatter part of the bowl, which formed the letters CX, which made it really tight racing from the off, after slogging through mud to get to the 40cm high hurdles, the track took competitors up a very steep muddy bank, up the back of the bowl to reach the top, a short stretch of tarmac led to a tricky downhill, slippy, root filled, off camber descent, to more tarmac, then the famous steps, to the view over the bowl, before another short descent back out to more tarmac, which in turn took riders to a long single track section which was virtually all off camber, with lots of roots and a choice of lines at one point, which was a tricky descent towards a tree or bounce over an angled log ! Eventually the track led back into the ‘Bowl’ and through a 10m long water and mud filled section, before twisting back to the start and all of the fun starting again!

Megan had only just recovered from a bout of COVID so was not at her best, but never the less was determined to race, she reported that the course was really tough, finding the single track off-camber particularly awkward, however to finish 10th Senior Lady was a great result, given the circumstances
Peter was joined in the combined V50/60 race by ex Club stalwart Adi Grimwood riding in Maglia Rosso colours and several other riders from the Eastern Cross league, notably Rob Smith who despite riding for SDCC spends a lot of time in ‘Wheelers’ company and Paul Caton. Non league members are invariably gridded at the back, and so Peter found himself along with Adi on row 7 with only 2 other riders behind making up the 58 in the field. Having not had time for a sighting lap, Peter was surprised at the number of tight switchbacks on the field forming the CX, but was prepared for the steep run up the muddy bank mentioned earlier, he took the log line unintentionally on the first lap, only to have to get off because of riders in front, but made sure he took the right option there after. He was really pleased to finish 5th V60 and 20th overall and Adi in a rare outing was delighted to come home 39th, the V60 race was won by Paul Caton.

Sunday was the Eastern League fixture at Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City, it is a superb venue for Cross, fast flowing manicured grass, making best use of the undulations within the Park, I think I counted 10 or 11 punchy climbs a lap, but in contrast to the previous day at Milton Keynes, the track here was dry and very grippy.

The Clubs V50 racers were bolstered this week by the addition of Lee Sturman, who joined Simon Christie, Stephen Brook, Iain Milligan and Karl Hale on the starting grid, it was Lee’s first CX race and a baptism of fire with all the twists and turns, ups and downs, oh and the hurdles which make up a cyclocross track, much different to the TT’s and Road Races he’s used to.
Lee’s power helped at the start, despite being gridded at the back he was quickly the leading Wheeler, Simon also got away well and was quickly up into the teens, Stephen started conservatively, whilst Iain was having one of his better starts then came Karl who as always started steadily and works his way forward. The twisting course with its up and down switchbacks is a real test of anaerobic and aerobic ability as well as confidence in the grip of your tyres, thankfully the downhills gave time for some recovery. Lee continued to lead the charge followed by Simon, but Stephen was making superb progress and beginning to carve through the field, Iain was having his ride of the season and lapping very consistently, Karl was picking off riders, but was in a polite battle with a fellow Trek Boone rider, allowing him to go first through the switchback corners before eventually powering past on the straights. Simon wasn’t having his best race, but was still up amongst his usual adversaries, Lee was wondering what he had let himself in for, whilst Stephen continued to make ground, passing Simon and setting his sights on Lee, Iain rode 4 of his 6 laps in exactly the same time, how’s that for consistency, Karl looked strong the whole way round. By the finish Stephen had almost caught Lee who crossed the line in 18th, not bad for his first race, Stephen was 14 seconds behind in 19th his best race by a long way, next came Simon in 22nd who is 6th in the league standings, Iain had his best result yet finishing 33rd, as did Karl who was 41st, cracking results from the Wheelers Vet 50’s.

In the combined V40/V60 race there were again 5 riders from our club, yet we were missing Nick Rush who had entered, but sadly called into work at the last minute. Paul Watson, Peter Golding, Paul Chapman, Will Tate and Tony Read, were raring to go, once again the Old Farts were set off 90 seconds behind the V40’s, I’m still not sure who it’s to give a chance too!
Paul W was as always quickly away, Peter was next, Tony (aka Stewi) now powered by Rocket Ron had a great start, next were Will and Paul C. The wind had got up, just before the start of this race meaning that there was a head wind down the start/finish straight, it was important if you could to shelter behind someone, because immediately after it came the longest steepest climb, which required much energy. Paul Caton, he’d won at Milton Keynes the day before, quickly took charge of the V60’s Paul W was in a real battle for 3rd place for much of the race, Peter was having his best race of the season, putting lots of trust in his tyres and would finish 6th, Paul C, after 2 really good laps sadly broke his rear mech, which in turn snapped 2 spokes, sadly race over, the consolation was, a new bike ! Tony (Stewi) meanwhile was Rocketing round the course and had these words to say afterwards, “Karl gave me some advice at a West Stow Training Session, he told me how to psych out a guy to stop him sitting on your wheel. I slightly modified it though. I overtook a chap going up one of the hills, only for him to get back in front a bit later. I sat on his wheel to get my breath back then drew level for a chat. ‘Nice day for it, nice bike’ etc etc. Nothing. Either he was having a moodie, or was on his limit. I went for the latter, on the next climb I gave it full beans and dropped him. Cheers Karl, you are a star!” Will just never stops smiling, he was having a great time and thoroughly enjoyed his day out. Paul W lost his battle for 3rd eventually finishing 4th a minute and a half in front of Peter, Tony had his best race ever coming home 17th and Will was 20th out of a big field of 26 Old Farts.

Megan Free was our only representative in the Ladies race of 28 starters, so for the second day in a row after recovering from COVID, she took to the start. It’s a strong Ladies field this season, lots of strength in depth and plenty of hard fought racing, Megan after a strong start, settled into a good rhythm and lapped consistently as always with a smile on her face, just loosing out in a sprint finish with former Wheelers Nicki Davis to finish 15th overall and 4th Senior Lady. It will be great to see how her season progresses once the Bugs have truly gone.
And I must say a massive thank you to all the Wheelers supporters who stand and cheer as we ride by and to Sara and Cordelia for the great photos.

There are no local league races next week as it is the First round of the National Trophy which is held at the Moorways Centre in Derby.