The first astronomical autumn weekend of 2022 saw WSW engaged in a range of activities – Road Racing and Triathlon events are winding down, the Cyclocross season has started, but club rides are still going strong.
Ray Reeves led a squad of Wheelers at the Centurion Relay Triathlon in Great Yarmouth – the race format being a 2km swim, 82km bike and 16km run, and hence 100km overall. We entered two relay teams, finishing 1st and 2nd overall. Additionally, Malcolm Macfarlane raced solo, finishing 3rd in his age category.

Continuing the multi-sport theme, Anne and Grayhame Fish competed the same weekend at the European Middle Distance Aquabike Championships in Bilbao, Northern Spain. (Basically a Half Ironman without the run). Grayhame had a good swim but reported that the bike was tough and hilly; he managed to place 3rd in the M70-74 age group.

Our dedicated TT squad was also in action this weekend: four wheelers rode the Kings Lynn 10, a U-shaped course based at Tottinghill , a strong northerly wind made the final leg of 3.5 miles quite tough. Martin Pyne was the fastest WSW , the former competition record holder at 10 miles noted it was a tough afternoon! Finishing times: Martin Pyne. 26.00, Mark Eastwood. 26.02, John Steed. 26.53, Gerry Barton. 30.32
Following David Howes’ lead, several Wheelers (Matt Eaglen, Jeremy Waterson, Elizabeth Kiddy, Tony Jupp) got a taste of Audax at the Suffolk Byways 100km event – starting in Buxhall and heading to the coast.

Last but not least, it’s great to see so many out for our club rides – like these folk modelling club kit as they planned the Latte Plus route on Saturday. Don’t forget that Club kit will be available to view and purchase from the Clubhouse on the morning of Saturday 22nd October at the same time as the Cycle Table Top Sale which will be indoors this time tables/ stalls available to sell your unwanted items £7 per table contact .